How to get privacy rating for your Facebook profile ? Privacy is one of the most cared and important issue for any person in the world, whether online or offline. Mostly the privac…
How to disable all Facebook Apps ? There are many apps and websites that can tie into your Facebook account. These are not just mobile apps, but also those direct…
How to permanently delete a Facebook account without deactivating ? Many People are now just Fed Up of Facebook as they think it is just a Waste of time for them, or many other due to the Secur…
Top 5 Tips to Protect Online Accounts Every minute one or more Account or Site is being Hacked in some or other corner of the World. Having an Account Hacked can …
How to increase Facebook timeline privacy ? Facebook has now introduced its new feature, Facebook's timeline. It would be applied to all the Facebook accounts soo…
How to go offline for selected friends on Facebook ? As we know that logging in to our Facebook account set our default status to online. But what if we want to set our status …
How to send Styled Text In Facebook Chat Facebook Tricks and Hacks are now very popular now a days. And Facebook Users wants to explore more from the Facebook …
How to make Google Sphere ? There are many Google Tricks and some of these are very Interesting . Many of these are known by Us and Many are just …
How to speed up BSNL broadband connection ? Many of the times the speed of BSNL broadband is frustratingly slow. It mostly irritates us and we are left with none other optio…