
Trick of World Trade Center in Notepad

Learn how to get the graphical version of World Trade Center tragedy in notepad.

World Trade Center Trick
Everybody is aware of the World Trade Center tragedy. But now to just recall it via graphical representation, there is a trick of World Trade Center in notepad i.e. ploy World Trade Center of USA. As we all know that on 9/11 the running Q33N plane hit the World Trade Center of USA.

So to get the Picturized version of 9/11 just follow the simple steps :
  • Open Notepad.
  • Change the Font to Wingdings.
  • For Better View, Boost the Font Size to Maximum of 72.
  • Now Just type Q33N.
  • Now get Amazed by the Result.
So it is a simple Trick of World Trade Center in Notepad.

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