
Trick to make a keyboard hacking Virus

Learn how to make a simple virus which can hack keyboard and type "I am a Fool" for every key pressed.

Keyboard Virus
There is a simple trick to make a virus which can hack the victim's keyboard and make him type "you are a fool." continuously. This trick can be used to annoy the friends or enemy.

Note: don't run this program on your computer otherwise you will lose your windows. I am not responsible for any accident caused by this file on your computer.

To make this simple virus follow these simple steps: 
  • Open notepad.
  • Copy and paste the following code to notepad: 
Set wshshell = wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")DoWscript.sleep 100Wshshell.sendkeys "you are a fool."Loop 
  • Now it is done.
Note: you can change the phrase "you are a fool." by any other phrase you want.

So it is a simple trick to make a virus which can hack the victim's keyboard and make him type "you are a fool." continuously.

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