
Trick to make a Caps Lock key Virus

Learn how to make a virus which can just make the Caps Lock light to blink continuously.

Caps Lock key
As we know that Virus can be of any form and it can perform anything like destruction on Computer or can help you do a prank on someone. So now there is a trick to make a virus that blink Caps Lock light continuously. This trick can be used for annoying friends or enemy. We just need to follow the simple steps.

Note: Don't run this program on your computer. I am not responsible for any accident caused by this file on your computer.

Here are those simple steps: 
  • Open notepad.
  • Copy and paste the following code in notepad:
set wshshell =wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{capslock}"
  • Save it as capsblink.vbs.
  • Now it is done.
If you wants to stop this trick, then open task manager and under processes, stop the process wscript.exe.

So this is a simple trick to make a virus that blink Caps Lock light continuously.

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