
Trick to make Hard Disk Formatter Virus

Learn the simple trick on how to make a virus using notepad, which can format and destroy the hard disk completely.

Hard Disk Formatter Virus
If you want to destroy any computer's hard disk or want to format it completely to delete all the data from it, then you are at the right place. Here is a Trick to make a virus which can format and destroy hard drive using notepad easily. This virus can be used to annoy your friends or enemy.

To use this Trick follow the simple steps given below :

  • Open notepad.
  • Copy and paste the given code into notepad :
  • Save it as HardDriveVirus.exe.
  • Now it is done. The powerful virus has is now ready for destruction.
Don't run this file on your own computer. If you run this file on your PC, the hard drive would be formatted or destroyed, and we would not be held responsible for that.

So it is a simple Trick to make a Virus which can Format and Destroy Hard Drive.

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