
How to make Google Sphere ?

There are many Google Tricks and some of these are very Interesting.

Many of these are known by Us and Many are just Unknown.


As earlier we have taked about the
Trick of Google Gravity to make Google Fall Down

Now similarly there is a Trick to make a Sphere out of Google.
This page is also designed by MR Doob team.

In this Trick when you will Move your Mouse Cursor over the Page then the Google Webpage Items would turn into Sphere and will Start Rotating just like Our Animated Categories in the Right Sidebar.

So to use this Trick just Use this Link and Enjoy.

Note : This Trick works best on Google Chrome. But you can also try this on other Browsers and Share your experince here by Commenting Below.

So this is simple Trick on How to make Google Sphere. -->

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