
How to send Styled Text In Facebook Chat

Facebook Tricks and Hacks are now very popular now a days.
And Facebook Users wants to explore more from the Facebook.
Most users wants to Hack Facebook Chat. And we have already discussed many of the Tricks and Tips of Facebook.

Now here is the Trick on How to send Styled Text In Facebook Chat. In this Trick Styled Text means that we can send Bold and Underlined Text through Chatting.
So here we go :

1) To Send Underlined Text.
Just type Underscore ( _ ) Before and After the Text to be Underlined.
For Example : When Chatting if we write  " _TOP TRICKS AND TIPS_ " ( without quotes ) then it would turn into TOP TRICKS AND TIPS.

2) To Send Bold Text.
Just type Star or Asterisk ( * ) Before and After the Text to be Bolded.
For Example : When Chatting if we write  " *TOP TRICKS AND TIPS* " ( without quotes ) then it would turn into TOP TRICKS AND TIPS.

3) Now if you want to Send an Underlined Bold Text then you can use both of the above two Tricks.
For Example : When Chatting if we write  " *_TOP TRICKS AND TIPS_* " ( without quotes ) then it would turn into TOP TRICKS AND TIPS.

So it is a simple Trick on How to send Styled Text In Facebook Chat.

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