
Top 10 Internet Tricks and Tips

These are the top 10 internet tricks and tips that everyone online should use to enhance the browsing experience.

Internet Tricks and Tips
The Internet is a vast interconnection of computer networks that connects the globe. It is comprised of millions of computing devices that trade volumes of information. To use this vast information you need to have some skills to get out maximum from your browsing. Today you would be learning some great internet tricks and tips for enhanced internet browsing.

Here are those Tricks and Tips:

1) Don't type " http:// " in address bar.

Do you know ? While typing an Internet address you do not need to type "http://" or even "www." in the address bar.

For example, if you need to browse Top Tricks and Tips, you could just type "toptrickstips.com" and press Enter. Further, to make things even more quicker, if you're are trying to browse ".com" website like our's, then you can type "toptrickstips" and then press Ctrl + Enter, to fill out the full http://www.toptrickstips.com address of our website automatically.

2) Quickly navigate between the fields of a Web Page.

Tab Key
If you're trying to fill out an online form, E-mail, or any other text field, then you can quickly move between each of the fields by pressing the Tab key (to move forward a field) or Shift + Tab (to move back a field).

For example, if you're on the login page of your email provider and filling out your E-mail address and next you have to enter password, then you can press the Tab key to switch to the password field.

  • This tip also applies to the buttons on many sites. Like if you press tab and if site is designed correctly, then the button should be selected, that will allow you to press the spacebar or enter to push the button.
  • You may also use this technique for selecting the elements from the drop-down box or menu.

3) Use Internet search engines to their full potential.

Internet search engines
You must make sure that you get the most out of every search result. For this you may search your query by putting the text in quotes ("query").

For example, if you were searching for "Top Tricks and Tips", this would actually
search for pages that contain both Top Tricks and Tips and not necessarily pages that have Top Tricks and Tips next to each other. If you search for "Top Tricks and Tips" with the quotes around the search query this will only return pages that actually have Top Tricks and Tips next to each other.

4) Use Internet browser shortcuts.

Internet browser shortcuts
Shortcuts are very reliable and liked by everyone. Here are some of the best and top rated internet browser shortcuts, that you may use to make your work easy:
  • Press Alt + D in any major Internet browser to move the cursor into the address bar.
  • Hold down the Ctrl key and press the + or - to increase and decrease the size of text.
  • Press the backspace key, or hold down the Alt key + left arrow to go back to a previous page.
  • Press F5 to refresh or reload a web page.
  • Press F11 to use the Internet browser in full screen mode. Pressing again would return it back to the normal view.
  • Press Ctrl + B to open your Internet bookmarks.
  • Press Ctrl + F to open the find box in the browser to search for text within the web page you are looking for.
You may also have a look over these given below shortcuts and make use of them in daily internet browsing.

5) Take advantage of Tabbed Browsing.

Tabbed Browsing
You should take full advantage of tabbed browsing while using the internet. A new tab of any link can be opened by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the link. Alternatively if you have a mouse with a wheel click, then use that wheel click to open the link in New Tab.

6) Try alternative browsers.

Try alternative browsers
Most of the computer and internet users are still using the default browser that comes included with the Microsoft Windows, i.e. the Internet Explorer. But there are several other great alternative browsers that are all free to download & use, and they have features that your current browser does not include. So give a try to new alternate browser for great experience.

You may use the best selected alternative browser from the given below list i.e.

7) Update your Browser and Windows regularly.

Update your Browser and Windows regularly
You might have noticed that some of the web pages takes too long to load up. Many factors are responsible for this slow loading. You may use following tips to decrease the webpage loading time:
  • Firstly make sure that your browser software is up to date.
  • Next try to clear your internet cache, temporary internet files and other garbage files. To clear all these press Ctrl + Shift + Delete key. If you need to empty your disk cache only, then press Ctrl + F5.

8) Only Install useful plugins and add-ons.

Install useful plugins and add-ons
Browsers support numerous number of plugins and add-ons that can enhance your browsing experience. Each of the plugin or add-on may add additional functionality to your browser. But never try to over doze your browser with these plugins and add-ons. Excessive use of these may slow down your internet browsing and may even crash your browser.

One more thing, do verify that the plugin or add-on, you are making use of is from the trusted party or developer. Don't blindly download and install them in your browser. It may not only harm your browser but may also leak your privacy and secured data.

There are many spamming & fake add-ons & plugins available online, that represent something other than their functionality. They may even spy on your internet activity which might be something causing security and privacy threat to your online or even offline identity.

9) Stay Protected Online.

Stay Protected Online
You should take care that you are safe while browsing and surfing the internet. You might be vulnerable to internet and other online sites. For this you may use our best and useful tips i.e. Tips for Safe Internet Surfing for securing yourself online.

10) Explore the Internet with Top Tricks and Tips.

 Internet with Top Tricks and Tips
Regardless of above tricks and tips, there are many more Internet Tricks and Tips that you may use to get most out of your Internet browsing and surfing.

Other Tricks and Tips are:

So these were the Top 10 Tricks and Tips for Internet to get most out of your browsing. If you want more tricks then stay tuned for more tricks and tips or search our site now.

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