Google Gravity Trick: How to Make Google Fall Down? Trick to Make Google Fall Down
Google Gravity Trick: Experience amazing Google Gravity trick and Google falling apart effect. Learn the trick of Google gravity that makes the Google homepage elements fall down and have fun with Google fall trick.
If you want an answer then wait and try it yourself. Here is a Google gravity trick on how to make google fall apart by which you will see the Google's homepage elements on the Google page falling down from there original positions, as soon as the cursor is moved inside the page.
Now we will explain how to make everything fall on google. To use this Google gravity trick, just follow below simple steps:
- Open your web browser (preferably Google Chrome) and go to
- Type Google Gravity in the Google search bar.
- Just click on the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.
This is how Google collapse trick makes everything on Google fall down, below is the image of Google page falling down.
There is another Google gravity trick that you shouldn't miss i.e. Google Space Trick, a must check Google anti-gravity trick.
To start this falling Google trick again, just refresh the page and Google fall down will be restarted.
Tip: This Google gravity trick works best on Google Chrome. To make Google fall apart, you may also try this Google fall trick on other browsers as well and share your experience with us.
So this is the simple Google fall down trick i.e. trick of Google gravity to make Google fall down.